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Together Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

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In Solidarity, Offline or Online..

Kick-Off Meeting

Berlin, Germany

The first transnational meeting was organised and hosted by the applicant organisation, WASLA, Germany. It was held online via an online conferencing platform.

The meeting included 10 participants that consisted of:

  • 2 people per organisation 
  • 4 people from the host organisation. 

During this project meeting The Coordinating Communication Manager was elected.

This project meeting aimed to establish:

  • The details on project management and implementation.
  • The tasks and responsibilities of each partner organisation.
  • The expected results of the project: creating a management team that will manage project work and activities; creating a reliable and available project communication team.
  • The dates, locations, partners involved, administrative arrangements, responsible for the Short-term joint staff training events.
  • The communication with partners: means of communication, frequency of communication, indicative data.
  • Implementation Plan, Dissemination plan, Monitoring & Evaluation Plan, Quality Plan and Sustainability Pan – responsible, methods, and deadlines -Risk Management - a detailed risk analysis will be drawn by project coordinator.

The Project should ensure the participation of women facing different forms of domestic violence to Guidance and Counselling meetings on one to one basis (at least 30 women /each partner) as well as the participation of women from vulnerable groups, victims of domestic violence in all local activities.